Steps to Endorsement®

Attend an Endorsement Office Hour where FAIMH will confirm your best-fit Endorsement® Category.
After FAIMH has confirmed your best-fit Endorsement® Category, FAIMH will email you our upcoming Endorsement® Cohorts with links to reserve your spot to apply. (Registration for each cohort will close once it reaches its max.)

On the date your Cohort starts, you will be sent instructions on how to access EASy (FAIMH’s secure web-based Endorsement® application software) and your login credentials.
​ Additionally, you will be assigned an Endorsement® Advisor who will guide you through your Endorsement® Application. EASy has in-system messaging and Help tools that allow you to ask questions along the way.

Complete your application within your 3-month application period. This tends to be ample time, as it generally takes Family Associate and Family Specialist applicants about 2-3 hours total to complete, and takes Mental Health Specialist and Mentor applicants approximately 3-6 hours to complete.
Submit your completed Endorsement Application. Applicants are required to complete each tab of the EASy prior to submitting their application.

Your application will undergo a 2-tier review by FAIMH’s Endorsement® Reviewing Team:
Family Associate, Family Specialist, Mental Health Specialist applicants are notified of the results after the review process is complete.
Mentor (Clinical, Policy, and Research/Faculty) applications are reviewed and notified regarding eligibility to sit for the Endorsement® Exam. I/ECMHM Applicants will also need to successfully pass the Endorsement® Exam.

The Florida Association for Infant Mental Health is member of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health.